Philosophy As An Actual Science

Philosophy is considered a science but it is difficult to say, when one has to compare with an ordinary science, for example biology, or chemistry. This is a question that turns into a burning problem among the scientists and linguists all over the world. Can philosophy be a science? What does philosophy operate with? It operates with categories, which can be as wide and as interchangeable as one can only imagine. Ordinary science operates with definitions, which are quite limited in their field of research. Ordinary science uses terms and laws of that very science to continue the research, uniting with the others in very rare cases. Philosophy gets into the sense of every science trying to achieve results.

We also can not call philosophy a supra-science, for it also uses hypothesis and arguments to state the opinion. But there is the obvious thing: there are now laws in philosophy and never will be, for the science changes with the age, the needs, beliefs and requirements of the citizens. To prove your opinion, you can write the definition essay and state all the facts and arguments you know to prove one way or another. This is also a nice way to research the problem and see what the solution is. But you have to research it carefully; otherwise definition essays will not be fruitful.

As all sciences philosophy has gone through its stages of development. Some scientists believe that the crib of philosophy was mythology and religion. If to see the principles of life and some primitive morals stated in some myths we may see that the statement is quite true and philosophy still continues to develop out of social beliefs and ideas. Philosophy is a science which is obligatory learned by every college student in order for him to establish his own philosophy of life. It is quite exciting to find answers to ever existing questions: who am I? What do I know? What can I know? What am I destined to do? Here is one more interesting observation. You can see that all famous philosophers were researching other science fields also. For example, Freud, Yung, Kafka and others were doing research in linguistics and social sciences. Their numerous creations are the pride of human history for they revealed some secrets that remained undiscovered for a long time before their great contributions.

There are so many currents and branches, so many schools of philosophy that it is hard to decide, which one do you prefer and agree with. This much depends on the country, family, society you live in. This is one more difference between philosophy and other natural sciences. The law is stable for any country; gravity exists in India, same as in Brazil. Philosophy is a hard science, for it is very difficult to understand the sense of the dogma reading it only once. It is of course, not easy, but gives credit for you if you get interested and somewhereFind Article, being at the social event you quote one of the famous doctors of philosophy and make a great impression of an educated and intelligent personality.

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A Modern Look At Ancient Rome

You might think that Roman Philosophy is square, just a continuation of Greek Philosophy. In many ways you are correct. Romans were more dedicated to other sciences like law and history. But ancient Roman authors give you a picture of philosophy that is present in Rome, even to this day.

The pioneer was Cicero, who introduced the main schools of Greek philosophy to the Romans. He was well educated in the Greek language and was responsible for translating many philosophical concepts into the Latin language. He was a big enthusiast of Plato’s Dialogues.

At this times, the Epicureanism system and the Stoicism school were the most popular. In the first group the roman poet and philosopher Lucretius stands out. He was the writer of the poem “De rerum natura” (translated as “On the nature of things”) in which he explains the main ideas of the Epicureanism.

The Stoicism school has most of the biggest names in roman philosophy. Starting with Seneca who was also considered a hypocrite since he was involved in many scandals with married women and, after all, Stoicism is the philosophy on personal ethics. But Seneca’s thought made an important contribution to philosophy studies on the role of emotions in human life.

Another important Stoic philosopher was Epictetus. He considered philosophy to be a way of life and not only a science discipline. His revolutionary thinking was to accept life as it comes because the human power does not reach external events on which we have no control. Individuals are only responsible for their own actions and there is where discipline plays an important role in human life. There is so much more you can learn about new world order information alternative news like this but I’m getting off topic, let me continue with Marcus Aurelius.

In this school, the following name was a Roman Emperor from 161 to 180 AD. Marcus Aurelius was a Stoic philosopher and responsible for writing one of the most important works of stoic philosophy, commonly known as “Meditations”. His writings are divided into twelve books full of quotes and thinkings of Marcus Aurelius through different periods of his life.

Although his main influences in philosophy were Stoic, historians have applied the term Neoplatonism to Plotinus philosophy. He is considered the founder of this tradition for his views on the concept of The One, the single principle from which the whole reality comes, the sum of all things.

In later days of Roman history, the senator and consul Boethius continued the Neoplatonism school of philosophy. He was imprisoned and later on executed by the order of the king Theodoric the Great in 524, but before his death, he wrote the Consolation of Philosophy, a work that became one of the most important philosophical pieces of the Middle Ages.

As you can see, there is a lot to know about Roman philosophy and many authors to learn from.